Elvira Bach (* 1951) is one of the internationally most successful contemporary painters. In 1972 she moved from the Taunus to Berlin, studied at the Hochschule der Künste and became a master student. At the latest in the 1980s, Elvira Bach, as a representative of the "Jungen
Wilden" found international fame. In 1982 she was invited to present her works at the documenta in Kassel, the rest is history.
Her pictures of women are unmistakable, which are characterized by strong colors and clear brushstrokes. For more than 30 years her artworks have captivated the public around the world.
Excerpts from collections, museums
Guggenheim Museum, New York - Walter Art Museum im Glaspalast, Augsburg - Daimler Contemporary, Berlin - Collection Alison & Peter W. Klein, Eberdingen-Nussdorf - Art gallery in Emden, Emden - SØR Rusche Collection Oelde/Berlin, Oelde-Stromberg - Art Museum Taunusstein, Taunusstein - Rosenhang Museum, Weilburg / Lahn - Wolfsburg Municipal Gallery, Wolfsburg - Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, BC - Osten Museum of Drawing, Skopje - Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, NY - Museum Liaunig, Neuhaus
Bach Elvira70 x 100 cm
28 x 39 in
CHF 20,000